Of course in every holiday, day off or just time spent mooching, there’s all the… Read the postThe bits in between
As well as taking our hiking boots, we took our bikes on holiday. Here’s a… Read the postBikes bikes bikes
It’s always tough picking favourites, and choosing between day 1 or day 2 of the… Read the postRouteburn day 2
Our walking holiday starts. After three solid days in the car or on the ferry,… Read the postRouteburn day 1
This summer, we planned to WALK. But to get to our chosen walking destination, we… Read the postA very long drive
These jumps have a loooong history, but over the past year or so have had… Read the postWaitangi Day at the Karitane jumps
I’m training for a Great Walk, and that means a lot of walking with a… Read the postEscarpment flowers
Eventually the weather cleared just enough for us to spend a couple of hours wandering… Read the postPaloma Gardens
The aurora forecast was good – it had started in Wellington just before sunrise, and… Read the postAurora!