Over the past … almost month (!) since Andy & I got married, there’s been a lot of talk about cake. And a fair bit about ‘big gay rainbows’ as well. I’d found this rainbow cake idea somewhere online, and after a successful test-run last year, decided to make another for our wedding. Having never worked with fondant icing before, I’m pretty proud of what I managed to do! Here’s my step-by-step guide for those that want a big gay rainbow cake, for their (gay or not) wedding.
Make up a vanilla cake batter. Divide into six portions and colour any which way you like
This is the most critical part. Take care not to colour outside the lines!
So I missed a few steps… after baking two cakes, cut the domed tops off and stack ’em with a big layer of buttercream inbetween. Then a thin layer of butter cream around the outside
The thin layer is called a crumb coating – it’ll stop ugly crumbs getting mixed into the buttercream
After chilling the crumb coating and adding a thicker layer of buttercream, it’s time for fondant.
And of course, what is a wedding cake without a few ribbons?!
Surprise! It’s not a plain old wedding cake at all!
If you’re REALLY keen, you can make matching cupcakes too